Nowhere to go, nowhere to be: Sunday, Sailing, Sunset


Finally a day with no worldly obligations. Yesterday we took Edward Blair out to sea with our friends Mack and Lisa. No plan and no need for one. We didn't even know if we were going to head south or north while exiting the marina. Who cares.

I made the decision to sail south away from the wind for a relaxing morning and a more exciting trip of beating into the wind it for the return later in the day.

Sitting between a beam and broad reach for a couple hours, we headed on a straight course from Puerto Aventuras past Akumal.

After passing the beach town and famous snorkelling destination of Akumal, we tacked for the first time in over two and a half hours, turning 180° into a close reach. As forecasted, the winds and waves picked up slightly, and we headed a bit farther offshore to take advantage of the Yucatan Current, which can vary between 1.5 knots up to 5 knots depending on your location in it and the time of year.

On our way returning, we reached hull speed of about 7.5 knots, heeling between 20° and 30°, making great time north. Our heading and decision to use the current took us a couple miles farther offshore, so one final, slower tack through the current getting broadsided was needed to head west into the marina with the engine running so we would make it before the sun disappeared.

Everyone aboard typically has busy lives between work and other obligations, so as soon as we departed and the engine was killed out in the bay, that silence of sails and water on the hull filled the air. Everyone smiled, sat down in the cockpit and felt truly relaxed. Responsibilities can't touch you out there.

Our friends run a yacht tour company, so for them to hear no diesel pumping at sea was a welcomed change, "Sailing... really does beat powering out here for peacefulness and relaxation."

It also helps that we probably only burned a shot glass worth of diesel to get in and out of the channel, which is about a 100 metre straight line from our slip.