The Drunkard Progress: From the First Glass to the Grave


​I've been threatening to get a personal breathalyzer for almost a decade now. What would the scientific purpose be? Revenge! And to study exactly how much I have to drink before becoming better (read: The Best!) at everything. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're out with friends, and two, three beers in you slowly can start seeing the ones and zeros. You're playing darts, pool, snowboarding, writing, baby sitting, driving, you get the point. Something clicks. You're now a better product than you were half an hour ago. You're in the running for expert. 10,000 hours rule? Out the window. 3 pints rule.

My scientific study was going to determine what is the exact point in the bell curve you were at after so many drinks. I thought I was going to be a pioneer. Forget incremental intelligence on liquor and the human psyche. This was revolutionary. 

Turns out it's age old. Look at this illustrated bell curve of The Drunkard Progress from back in the Prohibition Era. While it lacks some of the scientific data I require to win bets while playing darts, it's a beginning well ahead of its time.​

1. A Glass with a Friend

Never a bad idea, and never refuse a drink from a friend.​

2. A Glass to Keep the Cold Out

For years, this was a saving grace for families without fire and heat in the Depression.​ Have a nip from the flask, keep going, keep working, keep your family.

3. A Glass Too Much

Woah, woah, now. Wait a tick. This contradicts my original hypothesis. Three drinks is too much? I was predicting this is where the early curve of true success starts. I'd argue on drink three that you are getting limber, more confident, quicker at adapting to the challenges around you.​

4. Drunk and Riotous

The what now? I can only assume that we've been duped by current liquor distilleries. Are we the victims of Alcohol Percentage Inflation? Maybe their drinks had more punch back then, because there is no way after four drinks anyone is rioting*​

*Aside from fickle Vancouver Canucks "fans" after four Coors Lights.

5. The Summit Attained!

"Jolly companions, a confirmed drunkard."​ Now I can agree that with five whisky drinks put back in a short period of time, you're well on your way... but summit, far from it. This is akin to being the chair at your local PTA and thinking you're ready to be President of the United States (although a confirmed drunkard may in fact do a better job). I'm calling premature on this peak of the curve.

6. Poverty and Disease

Depending on where you drink, no argument here​. Racking up $13 a swig at some fine, new age cocktail bar is going to send you straight to poverty at this point... and who knows, the wrong decision taxi ride could have you itching for the rest of your life. We'll score them a point on accuracy for this one.

7. Forsaken by Friends

Again comes the argument. I find by Step Seven you actually upgrade from acquaintance to friend,  from friend to dear friend. You're the best! Another strike against. Moving on.

8. Desperation and Crime

I'm going to roll with desperation here. In the region of eight, nine, ten drinks... you'll take whatever you can get. Any daily special or any lady special​. It's all the same... but who says that's a crime!

9. Death by Suicide

This seems a little drastic, even for the extreme pace of this list. Sure, some mornings do feel like it'd be easier to just roll off the balcony to the sidewalk below... but the good news is most of you don't live high enough for that to even be an option, so you usually suck it up and sleep in.


Either the ounce, like the dollar, went a lot further back in the day or hyperbole was in perfect Election Campaign form. There's even the chance that this isn't to be interpreted as one step per drink, which is entirely likely... but I still find the acceleration of this list to be a tad heady. Ha! See what I did there? Man that's rich.​

In summation, it's always best to conduct your own studies and form your own opinions, because there's a good chance that those commissioned to tell you otherwise are lying sacks of shit.​

He's new here and his name is Tom Nugent


Good friend, drinking buddy, music lover and all around Top Shelf Human, Tom Nugent is joining Love & Rum. He'll be heading out with his camera to document music being played and alcohol being drank around Vancouver. Look at that damned photo of Willis Earl Beal above. Fantastic stuff, my man. Expect more like that real soon.

​His personal site, can be found here.

Don't know Willis Earl Beal? Watch this video below. The boy's got chops!​

A Trip to Mexico City: Plane, Bus, Taxi and Foot

Mexico City 45.jpg

Mexico City is big. 8,857,188 big if you're only counting the centre (Distrito Federal). If you look out to Greater Mexico City, we're talking about 21,163,188 people. 

 As you fly in, the view is of buildings and neighbourhoods stretching as far as you can see until they become silhouettes in the distance and meet a landscape of larger silhouettes. Mountains and volcanoes surround the valley which rests in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The peaks reach up to 16,400ft in elevation while Mexico City itself sits at 7,350ft.

Let's wrap that up: 21 million people, 7,350ft above sea level compacted into a valley surrounded by volcanoes.

Note: Walking and talking with a cheeseburger in your mouth causes panting. Because of the altitude!

We stayed just over a week. It was a damned fine time and I've written a bit about arriving, walking, drinking, dancing. We were married in some fake ceremony in a dive while standing on broken peanut shells by the bartender with a giant sombrero and fake moustache. We met some new friends, checked out history, shopped at markets and did some more drinking to close it off. I'll wait for the lady to also summarize some of the pieces of the trip so if you're interested in heading to Mexico City, you'll have a head start on pricing, neighbourhoods, museums and markets.

For now, take a look at some of the photos we took. All images should be clickable to enlarge.

In both the left and right above, this woman was in the Zócalo (pictured below) selling hats and traditional garbs, but mostly sleeping. When taking the few pictures we have of some unique, senior nationals who looked a bit down and out, we gave them some pesos first and asked if it would be okay to take their picture before wishing them well.

These shots are all in or near the Zócalo. That brass dome you see is the Palacio de Bellas Artes It was hard to find a horizon for that shot. That thing is sinking.

"Why is Mexico City Sinking? One bad decision after another." — Ian Sample, The Guardian

Picture of pictures. They were mostly divided into sections. Movie stars, musicians, political rebels, pioneers and builders.

There are more pictures for another post. Maybe one about prices, specific places to see and where to eat. I highly recommend Mexico City for a visit. Hell of a time.


Instagrams & Wedding Plans

This week we picked the spot where our I Dos and How Do You Dos will happen when our friends come visit the beach, staring at us while we kiss in public.

Tulum is a pretty special place and happens to be sitting in a good period of its history right now. The main hotel and dining strip are right on the beach. The area is developed just enough to enjoy some fine restaurants with quality cocktails, but not enough to bother you with the tourist traps of the north (Cough, Cancun, Fuck). If you want to have high quality food and great company at night while still enjoying quiet beaches during the afternoons, Tulum will be your Huckleberry. 

While we're not having our wedding at Hartwood, through a few back-to-back trips recently we've been stopping off there for drinks or food. Both are damned good and mandatory to be sampled if you hit the region. I soberly, drunkenly, wholeheartedly think their signature drink, "The Hartwood" might be the finest cocktail I've ever had. Sure, I'm only a cocktail expert in the way that I've spent too much time with them on the seated side of the bar, but so what? "The Hartwood" is that kind of drink you don't need a break from while running a marathon. You can stick with it from beginning to end.

It's a perfect mix between ginger steeped simple syrup, Jameson, soda, lime and fresh ginger slices. Dammit.

The owners, Eric Werner and his wife​ Mya Henry relocated from New York a few years back and went to work creating a restaurant where every detail seems so casually appropriate, yet painstakingly planned. I'm probably over thinking it, but they definitely had a vision and it worked out pretty damned well. They have been featured in The New York Times, Bon Appetit and a bunch of other lowlife blogs like this one.

Photos by The Selby​

Photos by The Selby​

​Now that we've got our location, wedding spot, hotel and a few other major details worked out... it's time to start sampling the food and booze around Tulum.

How to Move to a Foreign Country and Acclimatize in Five Easy Steps

We moved to an unfamiliar place. We didn’t know the people, we didn’t know the streets or the landscape. In less than three weeks, we feel totally acclimatized and at home. Now I’m going to tell you how you can too!

1 — Drink. Lots


Within the first week, you’re going to want to pretty much be a complete write-off. Aside from being the first thing you’ll want to do when you hit the beach, there is a psychology to it. Drunks move around from spot to spot more frequently and are far more talkative. It’s like hiring a more inquisitive, motivated version of yourself. All you have to pay them is liquor while you sit back and enjoy your new surroundings.

If you’re one of those ranting, slurring, fall out of your chair drunks: skip the move all together and stay where you belong. You’re going to get eaten alive.

Your new drunk employee will attempt to meet more bartenders and local patrons of the holes you’re going to crawl into. BFFT. Best Friends For Tonight! After relaxing for a week (or two, depending on your dedication to research) while your other-self does all the work is when the magic of the human mind starts to happen.

When you come to, you will know the lay of the land and have the beginnings of a small circle of friends. It will feel almost as though you have lived here in another life… because you have. Your drunk life last week. After your first cloudy walk around town, your brain will start filling in all the pieces, and your path to dropping, “I’m a local” to anyone and everyone that will listen has now begun.

This is the most crucial step of all: Taper the binging off immediately if you plan to actually survive.

2 — Walk it out

Don’t take taxis. We all know what passenger syndrome is. As a passenger, you rarely remember directions to your best friend’s house, let alone explaining the way home to a cabbie through a whisky-thick language barrier. Any distance a taxi can take you is too far, anyhow. Learn your location in a gradually growing radius. First get to know where you’ll be the most.


Do they have rickshaws where you’re moving? Even better. Now you’re not physically doing anything, but you’re travelling slow enough to take in the streets. You’re also helping the lowest end of the local economy. Oh the places you’ll go! (Or won’t go, see below.)

3 — Don't Go to Gringo Joints


You didn’t move to another country to hang out with more alcoholic Canadians, Americans, or whatever. Hit up the local spots.

“But how will I know if it’s a local spot?” you ask.

It doesn’t take math or science to know that everyone is staring at you and your plaid board shorts as you walk into a bar. I told you not to buy plaid shorts. What’s better, if it feels like they’re all making fun of you, it’s not just a hunch, they are. Suck it up. You’re pale as all hell, wearing a funny hat, Oakleys and you ordered a Piña Colada.

4 — Get Dark, Quickly


There’s not much you can do to expedite this other than by spending real time in the sun. Avoid pre-game tanning beds. A tan should always be earned, never purchased. If you’re getting as drunk as I’ve recommended, chances are you’ll pass out once or twice in the sun and speed things up a bit.

Don’t go lobster. “Burns peel, tans are for real, bro,” said someone in Cancun/Miami/The Okanagan.

Staying crisp is going to do one of three important things for you:

  1. Mixed with just the right amount of your perfect grasp of the local language it can bring down the cost of taxi rides.
  2. Mixed with a mean glare and tattoos from neck to toe, it will help back the merchants off from bothering you with their zipline tours and shoddy wares.
  3. Probably nothing, but you’ll look good! Good as hell.

5 — I’m a Local

Don’t ever use this. You’re not. However, now you’re a bit closer to feeling like you belong and can maybe even slap a few high-fives to your new besties (read: someone you’re pretty sure you met last week) on your way around town.